I’m getting quite busy at the moment so places are somewhat limited. I can usually squeeze in a keen new student however. Below are the times when I schedule lessons (start times are listed). Lessons are 1 hour long,
Monday to Friday: 4pm-9pm
Sunday: 11 am-4pm.
Here is my vacancies calendar (You need to be logged into your browser with a gmail account to view it):
Use this link if you would like to subscribe to this vacancies calendar.
I don’t do 30 minute lessons, and as a result I’m not accepting students under 17 years of age currently. To benefit fully from lessons you will need to own, or have regular access to, either an acoustic steel strung guitar or a full electric guitar. I’m not accepting students with classical nylon strung guitars because they are not suitable for the subjects we will be studying. You will also need an internet connection, as there can be some large files to download and you will also need Adobe Acrobat Reader on your computer to enable you to read the lesson notes, Guitar Pro, a really great program for guitar tabs and a Google Drive account for lesson file delivery, free to set up and takes 2 minutes to organise.
I don’t have any waiting room facilities here for other children/family members, flocks of geese or whatever etc. Spectators are very welcome, just give me a bit of warning so I can organise an acceptably comfy chair.
Weekly lessons are usually the way to go, if you would like fortnightly lessons this can sometimes present a problem. If someone wants your slot and they are prepared to come every week, harsh economic realities tend to kick in….I can sometimes schedule you in opposition to another fortnightly person but these slots are limited.
Call me if you have any questions.
‘Crikey!’ – Me, Crouch End, August 4th, 2011, 2.41pm.